As many of you know, author Tom Moates is generous enough to document his personal journey learning from horseman Harry Whitney. His first two books, A Horse's Thought and Between the Reins, are absolutely must reads for any horse lover, rider, watcher or trainer! His books are accessible and pleasant to read, while still providing life lessons both in and outside of the arena. They will surely give you something to think about, and everyone I've recommended them to has ripped through them like they were going out of style!
Well, today is the the day. Tom's third book on the subject, Further Along the Trail, is out and shipping! I'm sure this will be another must read, and I am very excited to get my hands on it. Rumor has it, I may even make an appearance in this one...
Below is the cover shot and the press blurb. I recommend you read them in order, to get the most out of Tom's generosity in sharing his fun but sometimes a bit nerve wracking journey towards better horsemanship! www.TomMoates.com is the ONLY place to get the new book at this point!
Further Along the Trail
A Continuing Journey into Honest Horsemanship
Equestrian author and journalist, Tom Moates, returns with more lively and thought provoking adventures in his ongoing odyssey to improve his horsemanship with the patient teaching of his mentor and friend, celebrated horsemanship clinician, Harry Whitney. This anticipated follow-up to Between the Reins digs deeper into understanding Whitney’s great skill at seeing things from the horse’s point of view through Moates’s own trials. Familiar characters return to the page along side new folks and horses, as Moates reveals the latest lessons he has gleaned from clinics across North America, horses at home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, and other equine experiences encountered Further Along the Trail.